Thursday, January 20, 2011


As I mentioned in a previous post, last year I outlined monthly goals for myself as inspired by Gretchin Rubin.  I've pieced together this year's goals and I've decided to focus on nourishing myself this month. I want to take extra good care of myself so I can heal and grow. This might mean going to the gym for a good workout, hanging out with a friend, taking a long nap or watching 500 Days of Summer by myself for the nth time. I've also taken the time to make myself some decent meals, in between my spurts of toast and cereal. But allowing myself to grow isn't always pleasant, which is why I'm also taking a dreadful math class to keep pushing me toward a degree. And sometimes you have to allow yourself to sit there a bit and feel the sadness. Running from it can be tempting.

I feel like having goals is especially important this year, as I'm living life as a single person now. This change in marital status often brings about a change or renewal in goals and priorities. It has definitely renewed my desire to be a better person and live life more fully.

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